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Now you can order books directly through the @WRITERS Website, in association with Amazon.com. Our book list currently highlights recommended writing related books, but will soon expand to include non-writing related books as well. We welcome your suggestions!
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Our Current Selection Bird by Bird @WRITERS columnist Madeline Mora's review: In the beginning of BIRD BY BIRD, Lamott talks about how ... writing motivates you to look closely at life, at life as it lurches by and tramps around" (xii) and how "...good writing is about telling the truth" (3). 'She stresses the importance of getting it all down first and worrying about how good it is later.
There are a number of sections in this book that will definitely get the creative juices churning. One, in particular, titled "School Lunches" (33), will not only make you laugh but make you remember so many things so vividly that I bet you'll be able to smell those fishtsticks and taste that peanut butter and jelly by the time you're done reading! For the times you get stuck, try out Lamott's advice in "Short Assignments" (16): write as much as you can see through a one inch picture frame - "...one small scene, one memory, one exchange" (18). Also, take a look at "Letter" (171) where she suggests writing part of your history or a character's history to someone as if it was a letter. She also has one of the best descriptions of writer's block: "There are few experiences as depressing as that anxious barren state known as writer's block, where you sit staring at your blank page like a cadaver, feeling your mind congeal, feeling your talent run down your leg and into your sock"
BIRD BY BIRD is fun, plain and simple. Oh, it's educational, too, but you don't even realize you've learned something until you're done laughing and after all, isn't that the true mark of a really good teacher?
Elements of Style Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within The secret of creativity, Natalie Goldberg makes clear, is to subtract rules for writing, not add them.
Proof that she knows what she is talking about is abundant in the speed, grace, accuracy, and
simplicity of her own sentences. Writing Down the Bones is "simply the best aid and comfort around
today."--Judith Guest, author of Ordinary People.
Reader Review: Becoming a Writer AMAZON.COM 'Recommended Book' Review 350 Fabulous Writing Prompts: Thought-Provoking Springboards for Creative, Expository, and Journal Writing Beginnings, Middles, and Ends (The Elements of Fiction Writing) Building Fiction: How to Develop Plot & Structure No one looks at structure like Jesse Lee Kercheval. She builds a work of fiction just as an architect
would design a house - with an eye for details and how all the parts of a story or novel interconnect.
Even with the most dynamic language, images and characters, no piece of fiction will work without a
strong infrastructure. Kercheval shows how to build that structure using tools such as point of view,
characterization, pacing and flashbacks. The designs of Frank Lloyd Wright were always influenced
by the terrain, says Kercheval. The building site helped him determine the materials and methods of
construction. This book will help you envision the landscape of your fiction and build great stories
Table of Contents The Complete Guide to Writing Fiction A complete and concise guide to writing and selling long and short fiction, including outlining,
narrative writing, details, description, pacing, and action.
AMAZON.COM 'Recommended Book' Review Creating Characters: How to Build Story People How to Write & Sell Your First Novel Newly revised and updated, this guide reveals the keys to writing and publishing a successful novel in
today's complicated market. Collier and Leighton combine their years of publishing experience with
the success strategies of 22 accomplished authors.
Table of Contents Writing from the Heart: Inspiration and Exercises for Women Who Want to Write Writing the Blockbuster Novel Ken Follett and Eileen Goudge, among others, have something in common: They have mastered the
craft of building the compelling novels that appear on best-seller lists around the world. And here
Albert Zuckerman, agent and editorial advisor to many successful authors in every genre, discloses
the somewhat hidden nuts and bolts of what makes this type of book tick, and shows how you, too,
could write a novel that might sell in the millions. Zuckerman covers every aspect of writing the
blockbuster novel (or the "big novel," as it's called in the publishing world), including defining it.
You'll learn how to develop and use an outline; the value of setting your novel in an exotic or unique
world; how to choose and build your characters; to control point of view and use it as a technique
for developing reader empathy; how to knit together the relationships between characters; the
importance of confrontational scenes, and how to sustain them; how to build scenes while setting up
suspense and maintaining current action; to weave plot strands in order to build maximal climaxes; to
develop and use rhythm in your plotting; and what a story point is and how to make sure each
chapter includes at least one. All of this is illustrated through numerous examples of current - and
timeless - popular fiction, including the works of Ken Follett, Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the
Wind, Mario Puzo's The Godfather and others. If you aspire to write a big novel, then this book will
be invaluable to you. Read it. Learn from it. And who knows? It could be your name on the
best-seller's list.
Table of Contents The Writer's Digest Handbook of Novel Writing BOOKNEWS, Inc. Writing to Sell With this guide, writers can learn how to create good fiction and publish profitably, guided by the
timeless advice of the man who built the legendary literary agency that still bears his name. Includes
information on creating characters, plotting a novel, formatting the manuscript, deciphering a
publishing contract, and more.
Table of Contents Dialogue: A Socrates Dialogue on the Art of Writing Dialogue in Fiction @WRITERS columnist Madeline Mora's review: Turco utilizes the Socratic dialogue technique (2) "...in order to discuss
the writing of dialogue in fiction while writing a piece of nonfiction
fiction in the process!" (2). Whaaaat?! Basically, there is an "Author"
and an antagonist, or foil, known as "Fred Foyle". For the next 114 pages,
the Author proceeds to teach Fred everything he knows about dialogue, using
the entire discussion as an example.
There is no doubt a lot of information is covered in this book. Everything
from basic definitions and format to slang and diction can be found
throughout the pages. The difficulty for me was extricating the actual
topic from its example. Examples are an excellent way to illustrate major
points but they can also be used to excess, as they are here. Just ask Fred.
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